
Truitt Corporation’s advanced fabrication shop includes various techniques such as header fabrication, plasma and laser jet cutters that turn materials into items that can be used in construction, assembly lines and a multitude of other applications.

Surface Maintenance

Regular field maintenance prevents any disruptions to your daily operation. Our highly trained technicians provide preventative maintenance which can help extend asset and field life, increase productivity, and ultimately decrease maintenance spending. Our team understands that prevention is the key to a safe and productive operation.

Pipeline Construction

We are here to serve your manufacturing project construction needs, which include our safe and efficient pipeline construction. Our skilled professionals can install, build, maintain, replace, repair or modify pipelines.

Code Welding

Truitt Corporation holds a valid “R” stamp certificate with the National Board of Boilers & Pressure Vessel Inspectors (NBIC).
We have the skill and ability to safely perform services for code welding on power piping under ASME Section I (B31.1) along with vessel/boiler repair and alterations as required by the provisions of the ASME boiler and pressure vessel code rules (SEC VIII, D1).
The repair and alteration will be certified by the QC manager and authorized inspector (AI). All associated paperwork will be registered with the National Board and with the State of California DIR – Pressure Vessel Headquarters, if applicable.

Facilities Construction

Our team has the expertise and skills it takes to ensure your construction service is successful. From PWP and CVR, TVR systems to dehydration plants, steam distribution centers and water treatment facilities, we can provide you with excellent construction services.

Waterjet Cutting

Truitt is the only NuWave-licensed provider in California. The NuWave waterjet cutting process we use provides more benefits than the typical conventional methods, including tank cutting, pipeline cutting, pile cutting and custom mobile waterjet cutting. Once you see the NuWave in action, you’ll realize there is no better way to cut.

Well Abandonment

At Truitt Corporation, we specialize in well abandonment services such as well head removals on live wells with proper control, seized flange bolts and donut ram cutting. With a cut-and-cap technique that utilizes NuWave Industries' patented waterjet-cutting, we deliver advantages compared to conventional excavation cut-and-cap processes.

Lease Operators

Field operations require many highly skilled employees to keep business going. By contracting with Truitt Corporation for Lease Operators, you can trust your field assets to our team and concentrate on other business. Each of our highly skilled technicians have the expertise, flexibility and perspective to deliver the results you need ensuring your field is operating at maximum efficiency. And, when you partner with Truitt Corporation for your Lease Operator needs, you also benefit from having our Safety Staff invested in the safe operations of your facilities.